Monday, June 16, 2014

Weekly Card Reading for 6/16 - 6/22

Weekly Card Reading for 6/16 - 6/22

Today I will be using the Angel tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue. 

Monday & Tuesday

Knight of Earth -  Loyal, Dedicated, Honorable, Kind
Time to buckle down and get things done! Honor your commitments. A guardian angel.
This card says it is time to get things done! Stop procrastinating and planning and take action. Honor your promises and commitments you have made. Pay attention to the details. If you have projects or tasks building up or you have been putting off. This is the time to start tackling that list. 

Wednesday & Thursday

The Star - Archangel Jophiel
Happy times. Make positive, optimistic long-term plans. On the right path. 

Go ahead and make a wish! The angels want you to know that you have a reason to be happy and feel full of hope. Believe in yourself and your dreams. Brighter days are ahead and you can plan for your future now! Make long term goals and picture your life the way you want it to be. Take action in that direction. Trust and follow your intuition at this time.

Friday, Saturday & Sunday 

Four of Fire - Contentment, peace, and abundance. A happy home life. The successful completion of a project. 

You did your work and you worked hard and now you are rewarded with peace and abundance. A feeling of deep satisfaction for your earned success. Peace and home rewards may be present as well. Celebration and harmony. Hard work paying off. 

Thank you to all who sees this post and I hope you all have a wonderful day! <3 

Love & Light, 

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