Sunday, June 23, 2013

Super Moon

Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed the first day of Summer yesterday and that amazing moon last night! I tried my best to get some pictures of the moon and every time they came out as little dots. I was determined to get a great shot so I played with my camera until I got an auto focus setting and supper zoom mix and was able to get the best pictures I have ever taken.

This is the first picture. It is the smallest of the photos taken last night. A beautiful picture of the glowing moon with its craters.
This picture is bigger and shows a bit more detail but there were clouds and a haze at the time.
This one is much better and shows way more detail as the sky cleared away but still a tad blurry.
 This one however is my favorite. I finally captured the beautiful detail of the moon with no clouds and it came out perfect.

Tonight the moon reaches its peak and hopefully I will get a break in clouds tonight as well to get some more wonderful shots of the moon. If you can, go outside and enjoy it. Place any crystals in your home outside to recharge them and just sit back and enjoy the sky.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Just Another Day

Hello and good morning!

I still have not figured out this whole blog thing yet. It feels strange to just type and talk about random things without knowing if anyone will read it or even want to but I am going to keep on trying. :)

Having an online shop has been an ongoing learning experience. There is so much more to do when you have an online shop because finding customers in the vast sea of the internet is a huge task. It has been an exciting and frustrating journey. As well as a constant battle between what I want to make and what I can afford to make. Unfortunately being a stay at home mom for a child with mild Spina Bifida has kept me limited. I have put as much profit as I possibly could back into my shop so that I may not only keep creating but so that I can also expand.

Lots of new stuff has been added to my Etsy shop since last time I posted. I have so many creations and a lot more that I would love to try. I have a lot of new exciting supplies. I have finally been able to purchase some of the gemstones I have always wanted to. New quartz crystal points, more gemstone chips, round gemstone beads for malas, and much more! My only barrier at this point is the vast amount of unsold items and shop fees to pay. I have tried to sell at flea markets and yard sales but people look for used not handmade at those type of outings around here. Things have picked up dramatically since last year though. All my shop stats have doubled and I am so grateful for that. I would really love to have some other brick and mortar shops feature a line of my items. Whether it is yoga silk bracelets, Tree of Life necklaces, or  any other items. Hopefully some beautiful shops will find their way to me one day.

Well this where I have to end my post today. I have house work to do and a shop to promote. Thank you for taking the time out to read to read this post. Hopefully I will have something more stimulating for you to read next time. For now I say good bye and I hope you all have a beautiful day wherever you are!